Rhea Hughes


Rhea will return from maternity leave September 2024.
There is a wait list for new patients.

I apply the principles of Health At Every Size® (HAES®) and the Non-Diet Approach to assist my clients to respect and care for their bodies with food. The non-diet philosophy is one that is weight neutral, assisting an individual to engage in health behaviours regardless of their body weight, shape or size and shifts the focus to wellbeing rather than weight change. I work with individuals and groups to develop their skills and increase their awareness of natural internal eating cues, build body trust and move away from fear-driven, restrictive & rules based eating.

I have recently completed my Masters in Counselling & Psychotherapy and integrates mindfulness based therapies into a nutrition counselling setting. I hold a strong interest in mind-body health and as such, primarily sees individuals with food and nutrition concerns including: emotional eating, binge eating, body weight/shape/size pre-occupation & dissatisfaction and disordered eating, along with restrictive dieting tendencies. This approach is also applicable and useful in chronic disease management to improve blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol parameters and in increasing dietary variety.

For more information, visit the Mind-Full of Food website or Facebook Page.

I am currently not taking new patients.


Dietitian & Psychotherapist


Monday1:30 – 5:30
Wednesday1:30 – 5:30
Friday9:30 – 5:30

Practice hours are subject to change without notice; please check with our reception staff.

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